Taking a Leap

Today I started my new playgroup for parents of special needs kids.  I don’t have any members yet, but I will.  I use a platform called meetup.com and they send out announcements of new groups 72 hours after they have started.  I am grateful for the experience I have gotten this past year organizing a group of military moms.  I plan to continue with this group but I wanted to add something more specific in our lives for J.  I currently plan most of my schedule around when he will be in school.

I am a shy person by nature but I can be very out going in situations I can control.  So even though I said I would join one of the local support groups before forming my playgroup, I am just to chicken to do so.  Maybe once I meet people through my message board, then in person, we can go to a support group meeting together.  Honestly I need a support group for attending support groups but I probably wouldn’t go to that either. :{

Really if I can just find one or two other moms who I can relate to and who have kids that get along with mine (that’s been a problem lately) I’ll count it as a success.  I am not out there to form a mega group but will do whatever I can to help it grow at a healthy rate.  I’ll keep you updated.

If you are looking for a playgroup in your area check out Meetup.com and search by zip code.  when I was getting up the courage to start my group I looked around and there are lots of meetups in the states.  Most are called “Parents of special needs kids in *your city name here*”  I asked some friends for ideas to give mine an original name and they came up with “M.O.M.S.  = Moms of Many Spectrums”.  I like it. 🙂



9 comments on “Taking a Leap

  1. I’m finally catching up [I hope!] Nip on over and collect your award when you have a free nano second [would that perhaps be sometime in the next few months if you’re anything like me?]

  2. My community is so disappointing… I’ve tried to form a playdate group and a discussion group and only got 1-2 responses on each attempt (from people who live 30 miles away). Everyone here is so focused on biomed, that any other group that is not related to biomedical treatments doesn’t really take off. So basically I started to look for mothers, individually, who I can relate to as friends, and get to know them better and hopefully develop a solid relationship in the future.

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